Moving through Crisis and Plotting for Sunshine Ahead
With people all over the world participating in social distancing to contain the spread of the virus, “normalcy” has been turned somewhat on its head.
This includes your business endeavors.
Activities you would normally participate in, such as conferences, industry events, or simple board meetings, are now postponed indefinitely.
In this time of uncertainty, it’s easy to feel a little overwhelmed. You might wonder how you will hit your sales figures for this month or make those valuable connections you need.
Thankfully, while you might feel a little isolated right now, you’re not powerless.
Today, we’re taking a look at 10 ways you can continue to successfully navigate and even grow your career during this time. Read on to learn how to stabilize, protect your position, and prepare yourself to come back stronger than ever before.
1. Focus on personal growth.
How often do you really get a chance to sit down and dream? While you’re at home, use this time to think about where you want your career to go and how you can get it there. List all of your goals, both long-term and short-term. Then, list the steps you need to take to get there.
Will you go back to school to pursue an advanced degree? Take an industry certification course? Start a podcast?
There’s no right or wrong answer, but the key is reflection. Use your self-quarantine time to organize your thoughts and plan for the future. Your journey to incredible personal growth could start today.
2. Read industry news.
It’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest virus news. Staying informed is a critical part of handling this crisis appropriately; however, rather than saturating your mind with 24/7 coverage, take a break and read or watch something career-related instead. This might mean listening to an audiobook by a business mentor you admire, or you may finally have time to read that stack of industry periodicals on your nightstand. Studies show the most successful people in business and politics read insatiably, and now, you can join their ranks.
3. Enroll in an online class.
You might not be able to attend an in-person class just yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t further your career education.
There are a myriad of online schools and institutions that provide online learning opportunities in any subject imaginable. From foreign language classes to job-coaching seminars, the possibilities are endless. This site lists 24 of the top websites to check out.
The best part? Many online courses are backed by accredited universities and can even lead to degrees!
4. Network online.
Did your networking event get canceled in the wake of the pandemic? You still have access to the world’s top networking platform, right at your fingertips.
LinkedIn is free to join and a cinch to use. It’s also where more than 660 million professionals go to connect, share ideas, and even job search. If you can’t meet up in person, you can use the site to host video conferences with up to 10 participants. There are also a myriad of webinar-hosting tools that allow you to hold bigger online events!
Use this time to connect digitally with people in your circle. LinkedIn will recommend connections based on people you already know, and you can also research individual companies to learn more about what they do.
5. Grow your personal brand.
Speaking of LinkedIn, this is a good time to make sure your profile is up-to-date. Once you’ve tackled that, take a closer look at your resume and cover letter.
Even if you’re already working remotely in a full-time position you love, it never hurts to focus on personal branding. Create a two- to three-sentence personal statement that clearly outlines your professional specialty, industry experience, and career goals. Then, make sure every part of your online presence is fully optimized.
Do you need to revamp your website? Update your business’s Facebook page? There should be no ambiguity about what you do or your area of specialization. Take the time to make sure future employers can find you easily.
6. Utilize online marketing strategies.
If we were still fully reliant on traditional, paper-based marketing, this crisis could have a devastating effect on corporate outreach efforts across the globe.
However, living in the Digital Age, we have access to the resources required to get our message out to the masses, regardless of our location. All over the country, we’ve seen heart-warming examples of people using technology to spread hope, share good news, and even provide home-based learning opportunities.
For example, although the Dallas Zoo is currently closed, you can still view behind-the-scenes footage and educational videos on social media by searching the hashtag #BringTheZooToYou!
What does this mean for your business? You still have a voice.
You can post on social media, create an email marketing campaign, write blog posts, create an e-book, and so much more. The internet is replete with tools that allow you to get in touch with your target audience. If you’re new to digital marketing, this guide explains the steps you need to get started.
7. Learn about e-commerce.
Not every business model lends itself to an online platform, and that’s OK. However, if you’re used to selling goods in a brick-and-mortar store, social distancing measures can directly affect your bottom line.
That’s why it helps to know how online e-commerce software, such as Shopify, works. Depending on the duration of the outbreak, it might be more viable for you to move at least part of your business online. You can access free training via the Shopify Academy to learn how to set up your virtual store.
8. Stream or video chat.
Do you provide services rather than tangible goods? If so, you can still take your business online! You can do so by using live streaming or video chat to connect.
For instance, dance instructors can send a Zoom link to their students, and the entire class can practice together from their living rooms! You can also offer counseling, sales support, customer service, and even academic tutoring—all with the click of a button.
The key is to think about how you can modify your services to fit the virtual world and communicate these changes with those who depend on them.
9. Practice video interviews.
Looking for a new job? At least for the short term, you might be participating in video interviews rather than roundtable ones. While these can feel daunting, they don’t have to be.
There are many ways to ace your online assessment! From setting the right environment to sitting up straight, most of the tips are simple and easy to implement. These 10 tips are a great place to start.
10. Remember self-care.
It’s OK to feel a little uncertain right now. Removed from outside distractions, it’s also easy to hyper-focus on the things you can control, including your career. That said, remember to give yourself a break.
Pursue business initiatives and stay on top of your professional growth as much as possible. Yet, it’s also important to take time to rest, call loved ones, and stay emotionally and physically healthy. When you prioritize all of those things, you’re more likely to approach this area of your life with clarity and commitment.
Social distancing can help you reflect and grow.
As we all learn to adapt to a temporary new normal, it’s more important than ever before to take steps in the right direction.
Although social distancing might limit where we can go and what we can do, we’re fortunate to have robust digital connectivity. This allows us to propel our careers forward, despite our current circumstances. By leveraging the tools at your disposal, you can nurture your career and help it flourish.
It’s a step-by-step process, so let’s take them together. Reach out to our office to get in touch.